Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Poetry Comment

I think that def-poetry is a great thing. It gives people the chance to speak what they have to say. In the first video with Maggie Estep I thought it was weired at first but then it started to change my mind. I thought that she was pretty funny and let there be a point that was put accross. This video was very strange but I think that it was entertaining to watch. Poetry is really cool and I think that most people dont realize this. It is in everything that we do if you think about it. For one thing rap has become the main source of most poetry. I do like having someone stand up in front of a group of people and express how they feel.

The Silence is Some Kind of Noise poetry was actually really interesting and I enjoyed listening to it because it kind of takes you back to the way things were a long time ago. I like it when they give you a sense of the past and you can remember the way things used to be. For some people this might be hard but this girl hit the nail on the head and spoke the truth. The next guy was really funny but he had a bad mouth on him. He spoke of the truth for some people and thats what I liked about him. It was very funny and I enjoyed this video a lot.

The next video was I Need to Write. This video was pretty good except for the fact that the guy talked about race to much and cops being mean to him and his brothas and sistas. I dont care to hear to much about that kind of thing but other than that I really enjoyed his enthusiasm. I tought that he did a good job explaining what he needed to write. The last video I thought was pretty good. It was very repetitive but it did the way his style was. I thought these videos were entertaining and I will watch some more based on these

Monday, November 9, 2009

Naira Has No Gender

This play was very interesting in the fact that it was not very interesting to me but it did have a catch to it. To start off I almost didn't make it because they ran out of seats about five minutes after I walked in. The only instruments that were used in this play were two drums. I will be honest in saying that the drums scared me throughtout the whole play. They were extremely loud and woke me up when I started to doze off. The stage was set with just four rectangular 7 by 5 walls behind all of the actors. I liked this one guy in the play who had a sense of humor throughout, he livened it up a little.

The play starts off by letting everyone know of the two people who wish to get married. It is mainly about getting naira which is known as money in nigeria. The two that wish to get together and get married are trying to negotiate the real world of power and money, while also striving to maintain a sense of traditional identity, while looking ahead toward the future that they and their children will inhabit. This play was not very realistic but rather a mix of natural, traditonal, and symbolic atmospheres. The couple that I have mentioned wants to resist the mercaenary culture that has ruined the dreams of this land. They cometo find out that between them no money or naira will ever get in their way.

Throughout the play we see that the mercenary class has been putting the country up for sale. The leader of the country seems to cheat people from what they need. He looks for deals that will help him and his family alone. His son gets the best education that is given in that country. In the end of this play shows the power of love and the commitment to social justice over the sterile claims of naira. This play overall had a great message to the people who dont see whats going on in other countries. This however isd not my kind of play, I would reccomend it however to classes who are learning of struggles in other countries.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Understanding Racism

Racism is obviously a big deal in this country. It seems that now days people are worried about skin color more than the wars that we have going on. I personaly am fed up with hearing, "its cause your white." Same with the other way around. There is a lot of segregation in our communities today. If you think about it, what is the majority race of people that live in the hood. Then what is the majority of people that live in mansions on the country side. This is what I mean when I say we are to worried about skin color. Every race has their own stereotypes and each one can hurt the feelings of the other. The African Americans have the stereotype of being wild and rude, while caucasions have the rep. of being smart, clean, or the occasional saying of the word cracker. I never understood that and I probably never will. Anything that I say in this blog is not meant to offend anyone I am just saying it how it is.

Many of times we stereotype from what we hear from others. It seems to be the thing now days and it is tearing a lot of communities up. If you look at the neighborhoods that the majority of African Americans live in, it is usually in the city living in the projects. I don't feel that African Americans mind this because they are always repping which hood they are from. This is why most people joke around about throwing their hood up. The city life is usually full of gangs, crimes, weapons, and drugs. If you are going to be around it since your first day alive then most chances are you will be influenced to do those things. Hatred among different races will NEVER go away because it's not like eithier side will let go of the past. It is always going to be in society and it will never be under control. Some of my good friends are of a different race and they don't mind me joking with them about certain things that would otherwise tick them off if I didn't know them.

Living in a racist society will not help to mitigate the chances of future race wars. Instead it will make things worse than they already are. In the article, Defining Racism it states,"Racism is like smog in the air. Sometimes it is so thick it is visible, other times it is less apparent, but always, day in and day out we breathe it in." Prjudice is part of our society and we cannot help that. It has been one of those things that we have always been around that will not alter what we believe in. There is a god quote in the text that states, we teach what we are taught. I believe in this 100%. I understand that people may change, however the majority of people that are around such hatefull things will probably never change. I don't think that there is any side that holds more favoritism. I belive that every race tries to do as god as they can without trying to start anything. I believe that racism holds a lot of emotional ties. Many people are offended sometimes when people say negative things toward eachother. If we can try to change these things then maybe one day we will be much closer towards a less negative world

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Advertisements In Todays Period

All through the society today we see many advertisements that tend to be offending, positive, or humorous. Some of the stuff that is put into these movie trailers and also magazines are very controversial. There is a strong rise in many ads today that have to deal with race, gender, and class. It is very easy to see which ad is aiming at the three things I just posted. I am sick of a lot of ads and I think that some should be taken out. Some ads can be good though and promote our society and give us hope of a better economy and simply just make us laugh.

Then you have some ads that portray something that you wouldnt think they would have on there. Like for instance in a book I am reading called reading culture, it has a woman who looks like she is from the great depression times and she is wearing a wal mart outfit. Things like this can be very touchy to some people. There might be a few people out there that take offense to these kinds of things. A lot of other ads make people seem like someone there not. For instance barack obama is looked at as a guy who has saved us. If you really look at what he has done it wouldn't amount to nothing.

When someone looks at an ad they look for what it is promoting or even what point it is trying to get across. The way things are now I dont see myself believing much of what is put into ads now days. I really think that the government can do whatever they want because some stuff that is put out for people to see is just wrong. I liked reading the book readikng culture because it is something that normally someone wouldn't think about. The thing that I got from the reading was that many ads come in various forms. You have movie trailers which in some cases are the best part of the movie. You have music videos which can cause quite a stir with people. Some videos are just not meant to be posted up for everyone to see. I think that it is good to have ads but at the same time it can also be a destruction to the youth.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Piracy and Its Effect

In todays society it seems as if people have grown unaware of the consequences of their actions. This is especially true for the people who download or take other peoples content within a commercial context. I believe that downloading illegaly is not right because it is breaking the law. However, I will admit that I have downloaded music before and it worked out great. It saves you time from going to the store and it saves you money. I don't abuse these free downloads. If I do download something it is because the prices are to high in the stores. I believe that if it something as small as a song here and there then it should not be made out to be such a big problem. I understand that singers, rap artist, and people involved in the industry need to make money, and I also understand that they have people "stealing" their music. However, with today's economy it is hard for anyone to come up with the money for anything. The music industry seems to still have the same prices. Why pay for something thats more expensive when you can get the same thing for free. Artist have concerts and programs that they can make plenty of money on.

Like I said before the economy today has been rough on just about everyone in this country. The people of this society today will take any handouts or discounts that they can get. It is almost like the seller is trying to help out the consumer. I don't see how this differs from taking free music off the internet. I do belive that movies being burned off the internet should not be done. They cost a lot of money to produce. I think that the theaters are getting away with highway robbery. Nine dollars to see a movie is ridiculous. I think that the actors spend their time to act and make a good movie that they should be rewarded.

Their are so many types, tracks, and sounds of music out there that I think the industry will do fine. Not everyone downloads music but it is well known throughout the world. Having something free and available for you is easier and cheaper than having to get it yourself and spend the money. I believe that downloading music is something that should be the least of our worries.